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Your LittleOak feeding guide for newborns

Your LittleOak feeding guide for newborns

At LittleOak, we celebrate each and every feeding journey. While we know breastfeeding is best, we always know that it's not always an option for families. No matter how you feed your bub, remember that it’s a choice that's entirely up to you. Whether you’re a mum who’s breastfeeding or combination feeding - or a dad who’s researching the most natural formula alternative, we are here for you.

If you’re new here, welcome to the LittleOak family. We are just delighted to be on this journey with you. If you have questions about feeding your newborn with LittleOak, rest assured this isn't our first rodeo. Read on for our LittleOak feeding guide for newborns.

How often and how much?

Our LittleOak natural goat milk formula (Stage 1), is lovingly made for bubs 0 to 6 months of age with fresh whole goat milk from our New Zealand farm. For newborns in that 0-4 week range, you’ll be using less product, but will be feeding your bubs more frequently. When using LittleOak’s stage 1 product, we recommend seven to nine feeds per day, adding two level scoops of powder to 100ml of water for each feed. Keep in mind that babies usually want to feed every two to three hours, although this will depend on when and for how long they nap.

How do I know if my bub is hungry?

While it can be hard to know what your baby needs at all times, there are some early clues of hunger you can watch for in your newborn. Usually, a baby who is ready to feed will be more alert than a sleepy bub. If you notice hand-to-mouth movements in your little one, rapid eye movement or mouth opening, your bub may be signalling that they are hungry. They may also pucker or lick their lips.

If your little one has woken up in the night and you’ve managed to soothe them back to sleep relatively easily, it’s a good indication that they weren’t looking for a feed. Babies generally won’t fall back asleep if they are hungry, so your bub probably just wanted some crib-side soothing as they dozed off again.

How do I know they are getting enough formula?

You will be able to monitor your bub's growth at their doctor weigh-ins, making sure they are healthy and growing as expected. Generally speaking, your baby will be weighed at birth and then a week or so after that, with regular weigh-ins during that first six-month period.

Here’s another thing to look out for: dirty nappies. Formula fed babies usually need to poo at least once a day, so if your bub is filling their nappy, this is a good sign too.

 If you’re a new parent, we know you probably have so many questions. Remember that our Careline team is always here to help with any feeding questions you may have. Get in touch – we love connecting with our LittleOak families.


LittleOak has been nourishing children for many years and feeds millions of infants, babies and children across the globe each and every day, in countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Singapore. In the US, we're proud to have our FDA compliant Toddler Milk available for families.

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